quinta-feira, 11 de junho de 2015

Transplante de útero - Suécia

Após solicitar informações para a clínica na Suécia, onde o Dr. Mats Brannstrom iniciou o percurso sobre o transplante de útero, recebi algumas informações sobre o processo:

  • 1ª consulta é 950€ e transcrevo em baixo o que inclui (carta enviada pelos próprios):
Hello, Thank you for showing interest in uterus transplantation.
After many years of preparatory research and a successful trial we are now prepared to offer the first consultations on uterus transplantation to patients from around the world.
The consultations are held at Stockholm IVF (www.stockholmivf.se), a newly opened and easily accessible fertility clinic in the centre of Stockholm.
 Preparations to set up clinical centres for uterus transplantation are underway in: 
• Gothenburg, Sweden 
• Beirut, Lebanon 
• Bangalore, India 
• Singapore 
The consultations are held by myself, Mats Brannstrom. I will review your medical history and perform a thorough physical examination to determine if uterus transplantation is a suitable treatment for you.
The consultation will include the following: 
• gynaecological examination including ultrasound 
• relevant hormone analyses 
• particulars concerning the preoperative investigation of both donor and recipient 
• detailed information regarding the transplantation surgery 
• information about the postoperative management and medication 
• You will also receive a USB memory-stick with detailed data covering the procedure and our current results. 
The cost of this 60 min long, initial examination is 950 EUR. Stockholm IVF can also offer high-quality in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and embryo cryopreservation in preparation for uterus transplantation.
These treatments will be conducted under the supervision of associate professor Lars Nilsson, who has a unique competence in IVF-treatments in combination with uterus transplantation. He has been behind all successful pregnancies in our uterus transplantation program.
If you wish to schedule an appointment please contact our coordinator Alexandra at uterus@stockholmivf.se 
Sincerely, Mats Brännström, MD, PhD Director Stockholm IVF Professor in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Gothenburg Visiting professor in Transplant Surgery, Harvard Medical School
  • Depois de solicitarmos mais informações, conseguimos apurar que o tratamento completo, pode ir dos 50.000€ até aos 100.000€ e que temos de levar dadora.
É um preço abusivo, que nos impede de continuar a sonhar.
Mas vamos ter a esperança que um país mais perto inicie o processo, ou quem sabe mesmo em Portugal!

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